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v1alpha7 compared to v1beta1

⚠️ v1beta1 has not been released yet.


All users are encouraged to migrate their usage of the CAPO CRDs from older versions to v1beta1. This includes yaml files and source code. As CAPO implements automatic conversions between the CRD versions, this migration can happen after installing the new CAPO release.

API Changes

This only documents backwards incompatible changes. Fields that were added to v1beta1 are not listed here.

Changes to identityRef in both OpenStackMachine and OpenStackCluster

Removal of machine identityRef.kind

The identityRef.Kind field has been removed. It was used to specify the kind of the identity provider to use but was actually ignored. The referenced resource must always be a Secret.

Addition of cloudName

The cloudName field has been removed from both OpenStackMachine and OpenStackCluster and added to identityRef. It is now a required field when identityRef is specified.


Removal of cloudName

This has moved to identityRef.cloudName.

Change to serverGroupID

The field serverGroupID has been renamed to serverGroup and is now a ServerGroupFilter object rather than a string ID.

The ServerGroupFilter object allows selection of a server group by name or by ID.

serverGroupID: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"


  id: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"

To select a server group by name instead of ID:

  name: "workers"

If a server group is provided and found, it’ll be added to OpenStackMachine.Status.ReferencedResources.ServerGroupID. If the server group can’t be found or filter matches multiple server groups, an error will be returned. If empty object or null is provided, Machine will not be added to any server group and OpenStackMachine.Status.ReferencedResources.ServerGroupID will be empty.

Change to image

The field image is now an ImageFilter object rather than a string name. The ImageFilter object allows selection of an image by ID or by name and tags. If ID is set, no other fields can be set in the object.

image: "test-image"


  name: "test-image"

The image ID will be added to OpenStackMachine.Status.ReferencedResources.ImageID. If the image can’t be found or filter matches multiple images, an error will be returned.

Removal of imageUUID

The fild imageUUID has been removed in favor of the image field.

imageUUID: "72a6a1e6-3e0a-4a8b-9b4c-2d6f9e3e5f0a"


  id: "72a6a1e6-3e0a-4a8b-9b4c-2d6f9e3e5f0a"

Changes to ports

These changes apply to ports specified in both OpenStackMachines and the Bastion.

The securityGroupFilters field is renamed to securityGroups to be consistent with other similar fields throughout the API.

When specifying allowedAddressPairs, ipAddress is now required. Neutron has already required this parameter, so while the API previously allowed it to be unset it would not have resulted in a working VM.

Setting either of the following fields explicitly to the empty string would previously have caused the default behaviour to be used. In v1beta1 it will result in an empty string being used instead. To retain the default behaviour in v1beta1, do not set the value at all. When objects are upgraded automatically by the controller, empty values will become unset values by default, so this applies only to newly created objects.

  • nameSuffix
  • description

The following fields in PortOpts are renamed in order to keep them consistent with K8s API conventions:

  • hostId becomes hostID
  • allowedCidrs becomes allowedCIDRs

Addition of floatingIPPoolRef

A new field, FloatingIPPoolRef, has been introduced. It is important to note that this feature requires the existence of an IPPool to operate seamlessly. This new field references an IPPool whice will be used for floating IP allocation. In additon to this field an IPPool resource called OpenStackFloatingIPPool has been added. Please note that this resource is new and still in alpha meaning its more likely to contain bugs and change in the future.

When creating an OpenStackFloatingIPPool resource named MyOpenStackFloatingIPPool, you can reference it within your OpenStackMachine configuration YAML as follows:

        apiGroup: ""
        kind: "OpenStackFloatingIPPool"
        name: "MyOpenStackFloatingIPPool"


Removal of cloudName

This has moved to identityRef.cloudName.

identityRef is now required

The API server would previously accept an OpenStackCluster without an identityRef, although the controller would generate an error. In v1beta1 the API server will no longer accept an OpenStackCluster without an identityRef.

Note that this is in contrast identityRef in OpenStackMachine, which remains optional: OpenStackMachine will default to the credentials in OpenStackCluster if not specified.

Change to externalNetworkID

The field externalNetworkID has been renamed to externalNetwork and is now a NetworkFilter object rather than a string ID. The NetworkFilter object allows selection of a network by name, by ID or by tags.

externalNetworkID: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"


  id: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"

It is now possible to specify a NetworkFilter object to select the external network to use for the cluster. The NetworkFilter object allows to select the network by name, by ID or by tags.

  name: "public"

If a network is provided, it’ll be added to OpenStackCluster.Status.ExternalNetwork. If the network can’t be found, an error will be returned. If no network is provided, CAPO will try to find network marked “External” and add it to OpenStackCluster.Status.ExternalNetwork. If it can’t find a network marked “External”, OpenStackCluster.Status.ExternalNetwork will be set to nil. If more than one network is found, an error will be returned.

It is now possible for a user to specify that no external network should be used by setting DisableExternalNetwork to true:

disableExternalNetwork: true

Change to floatingIP

The OpenStackMachineSpec.FloatingIP field has moved to OpenStackClusterSpec.Bastion.FloatingIP. For example, if you had the following OpenStackMachineTemplate:

kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0
      floatingIP: ""

This will safely converted to use Bastion.FloatingIP when upgrading to version 0.8.

To use the new Bastion.FloatingIP field, here is an example:

kind: OpenStackCluster
  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    floatingIP: ""

The new field has IPv4 validation added.

Change to subnet

In v1beta1, Subnet of OpenStackCluster is modified to Subnets to allow specification of two existent subnets for the dual-stack scenario.

    id: a532beb0-c73a-4b5d-af66-3ad05b73d063

In v1beta1, this will be automatically converted to:

    - id: a532beb0-c73a-4b5d-af66-3ad05b73d063

Subnets allows specifications of maximum two SubnetFilter one being IPv4 and the other IPv6. Both subnets must be on the same network. Any filtered subnets will be added to OpenStackCluster.Status.Network.Subnets.

When subnets are not specified on OpenStackCluster and only the network is, the network is used to identify the subnets to use. If more than two subnets exist in the network, the user must specify which ones to use by defining the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Subnets field.

Change to nodeCidr and dnsNameservers

In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.Spec.ManagedSubnets array field is introduced. The NodeCIDR and DNSNameservers fields of OpenStackCluster.Spec are moved into that structure (renaming NodeCIDR to CIDR). For example:

  nodeCidr: ""
  dnsNameservers: ""

In v1beta1, this will be automatically converted to:

  - cidr: ""
    dnsNameservers: ""

Please note that currently managedSubnets can only hold one element.

Addition of allocationPools

In v1beta1, an AllocationPools property is introduced to OpenStackCluster.Spec.ManagedSubnets. When specified, OpenStack subnet created by CAPO will have the given values set as the allocation_pools property. This allows users to make sure OpenStack will not allocate some IP ranges in the subnet automatically. If the subnet is precreated and configured, CAPO will ignore AllocationPools property.

Change to managedSecurityGroups

The field managedSecurityGroups is now a pointer to a ManagedSecurityGroups object rather than a boolean.

Also, we can now add security group rules that authorize traffic from all nodes via allNodesSecurityGroupRules. It takes a list of security groups rules that should be applied to selected nodes. The following rule fields are mutually exclusive: remoteManagedGroups, remoteGroupID and remoteIPPrefix. Valid values for remoteManagedGroups are controlplane, worker and bastion.

Also, OpenStackCluster.Spec.AllowAllInClusterTraffic moved under ManagedSecurityGroups.

managedSecurityGroups: true


managedSecurityGroups: {}


allowAllInClusterTraffic: true
managedSecurityGroups: true


  allowAllInClusterTraffic: true

To apply a security group rule that will allow BGP between the control plane and workers, you can follow this example:

  - remoteManagedGroups:
    - controlplane
    - worker
    direction: ingress
    etherType: IPv4
    name: BGP (Calico)
    portRangeMin: 179
    portRangeMax: 179
    protocol: tcp
    description: "Allow BGP between control plane and workers"

Calico CNI

Historically we used to create the necessary security group rules for Calico CNI to work. This is no longer the case. Now the user needs to request creation of the security group rules by using the managedSecurityGroups.allNodesSecurityGroupRules feature.

Note that when upgrading from a previous version, the Calico CNI security group rules will be added automatically to allow backwards compatibility if allowAllInClusterTraffic is set to false.

Change to network

In v1beta1, when the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Network is not defined, the Subnets are now used to identify the Network.

Change to networkMtu

In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.spec.NetworkMtu becomes OpenStackCluster.spec.NetworkMTU in order to keep the name consistent with K8s API conventions.

Changes to apiServerLoadBalancer

In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.spec.apiServerLoadBalancer becomes optional and can be entirely omitted. Therefore enabled can be assumed by the presence of the field. Consequently enabled now defaults to true if apiServerLoadBalancer is specified. The following are now equivalent:

      enabled: true
    apiServerLoadBalancer: {}

Changes to bastion

In v1beta1 the Bastion is enabled by default if a bastion is specified in OpenStackCluster.spec.bastion but enabled is not included. However, it is still required to set enabled explicitly to false before removing the bastion. We intend to remove this requirement in the future at which point the enabled field will be redundant.

In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.spec.bastion.instance becomes OpenStackCluster.spec.bastion.spec.

          name: foobar


          name: foobar

Changes to filters

Changes to filter tags

We currently define filters on 4 different Neutron resources which are used throughout the API:

  • Networks
  • Subnets
  • Security Groups
  • Routers

Each of these filters provide the following fields which filter by tag:

  • tags
  • tagsAny
  • notTags
  • notTagsAny

We previously passed this value to Neutron without change, which treated it as a comma-separated list. In v1beta1 each of the tags fields becomes a list of tags. e.g.:

  tags: "foo,bar"


  - foo
  - bar

Due to the limitations of the encoding of tag queries in Neutron, tags must be non-empty and may not contain commas. Tags will be automatically converted to a list of tags during conversion.

Field capitalization consistency

In order to keep field names consistent with K8s API conventions, various fields in the Filters are renamed. This includes:

  • SecurityGroupFilter
    • projectId becomes projectID
  • NetworkFilter
    • projectId becomes projectID
  • SubnetFilter
    • projectId becomes projectID
    • gateway_ip becomes gatewayIP
    • ipv6RaMode becomes ipv6RAMode
  • RouterFilter
    • projectId becomes projectID